About the Mount Arlington Democrats
We are dedicated to building a local party that reflects our democratic values.
About the Morris County Democratic Committee.
Learn more about MCDC at their website: https://morrisdems.org/about-us/
About the 2020 General Election
November 3, 2020 is election day. All active voters will receive a ballot by October 10. We recommend getting ballots in the mail by October 22, 2020.
Endorsed Candidates on your Ballot
- You can learn more about Cary Amaro here: (https://www.caryamaroforfreeholder.com/)
- You can learn more about Darcy Drager here: (https://www.darcydraeger.com)
- You can learn more about Rupande Mehta here: (https://www.rupandemehta.com/)
- You can learn more about Tom Malinowski here: (https://malinowskifornj.com/)
- You can learn more about Cory Booker here: (https://corybooker.com/)
- You can learn more about Kamala Harris here: (https://www.harris.senate.gov/about)
- You can learn more about Joseph R. Biden here: (https://joebiden.com/)
Ballot Initiatives
The public questions are as follows:
- Do you approve legalizing a controlled form of marijuana called “cannabis” for adults at least 21 years of age, subject to the State sales tax?
- Do you approve amending the state Constitution to give a $250 property tax deduction to veterans who did not serve in time of war? Do you also approve amending the Constitution to give a 100% property tax exemption to certain totally disabled veterans who did not serve in time of war?
- Do you approve amending the Constitution to change when new legislative districts are created if the federal census data is delayed?
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions about voting in Morris County. These questions are adapted from this FAQ page at the Morris County Democratic Committee.
When is election day?
The election is November 3rd.
Am I registered to vote?
You can check to see if you are registered to vote here: (https://voter.svrs.nj.gov/registration-check).
Am I eligible to register to vote?
If you are a US citizen, at least 17 years old (you can’t vote until you’re 18, however), a resident of the county for thirty days before the election, and are not serving a sentence of incarceration, you can register to vote.
How do I register to vote online?
Online voter registration will be launched on September 4th. Register online here:
How do I register to vote by mail?
To register to vote, you must fill out a voter registration application.
The voter registration application in English is available here: (https://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/assets/pdf/forms-voter-registration/68-voter-registration-english-morris.pdf)
La solicitud de registro de votantes en español está disponible aquí: (https://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/assets/pdf/forms-voter-registration/68-voter-registration-espanol-morris.pdf)
You can then mail or the application to the Morris County Clerk’s office whose address is: Administration & Records Building, 10 Court Street, 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963-0900.
When do I have to register to vote by?
You must register by October 13th, 2020.
What is the deadline to vote by mail?
Ballots must be postmarked by November 3rd and received by the County Clerk’s office by 8 p.m. on November 10th. We encourage you to send in your ballot as early as possible.
Will everybody get a vote by mail ballot?
All active voters will receive a mail-in ballot with prepaid First-Class postage. You are deemed an inactive voter if a sample ballot sent to your address bounced back.
When will I receive my vote by mail ballot?
October 5th is the deadline for County Clerks to mail vote by mail ballots, so you should receive yours that week. If you have not received it by then, call your County Clerk at 973-285-6066.
What do I do with my ballot after I complete it?
You can mail it back, drop it off at your polling location, or place it in one of 10 drop boxes around the county. Please be prepared to show identification if dropping your ballot off at a polling site.
Where are the drop boxes?
- Morris County Administration & Records Building
10 Court Street, Morristown NJ 07960
(Outside front entrance) - Mount Olive Municipal Building
204 Flanders/Drakestown Road, Budd Lake NJ 07828
(Parking Lot entrance to Municipal Offices) - Rockaway Twp. Municipal Building
65 Mount Hope Road, Rockaway, NJ 07866
(Outside Police Department) - Montville Municipal Building
195 Changebridge Road, Montville, NJ 07045
(In front of Municipal Building) - Madison Public Safety Complex
62 Kings Road, Madison, NJ 07940
(Commuter Parking Lot 3)
6-10 locations are still being determined
All drop boxes are outside and under 24/7 surveillance. They look like blue USPS boxes, but are red, white, and blue and say “Morris County – Official Ballot Drop Box”. The boxes are collected daily.
How can I track my vote by mail ballot?
You can track your ballot by signing into your personal NJ Voter Registration account here: (https://voter.svrs.nj.gov/auth/sign-in)
Or, if you do not have an account, you can create one here: (https://voter.svrs.nj.gov/auth/sign-up)
Can I still vote in person?
Yes. Each municipality will have at least one in-person polling site. These will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Voting in person means voting on a provisional ballot. You may also drop off your mail-in ballot at a polling site or return it to a drop box. There will be at least 10 drop boxes located throughout the county.The deadline for USPS postmarks and drop boxes is November 3rd.
Where can I vote in person?
The county will send notice to all active voters to inform the voter of their polling place by October 23rd. Every municipality will have at least one poll site.
Will I receive a sample ballot?
No. Sample ballots will be available online at the County Clerk’s website here, though are not available for the November election yet: (https://morriscountyclerk.org/index.php/elections/sample-ballots/)
Is voting by mail safe?
Yes! Voting by mail is easy, convenient, and can be done from the comfort of your own home. To track and make sure your ballot is counted, you can sign up for a public access account at https://voter.svrs.nj.gov/auth/sign-up
Is voting in person safe?
New Jersey is taking the following precautions to make voting in person safer: polling places will limit occupancy, ensure six feet of distance between voters and poll workers, require infection control practices such as regular handwashing and frequent sanitization, provide sanitization materials to workers and voters, require poll workers to adhere to CDC guidelines regarding face coverings, and strongly encourage voters to adhere to CDC guidelines regarding face coverings.
What if I want to volunteer as a poll worker?
Great! You can fill out the application here: (https://nj.gov/state/elections/assets/pdf/board-workers/board-worker-application-form-010719.pdf)
And mail it to the Board of Elections here: Administration & Records Building, 10 Court Street, 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963-0900
Who can be a poll worker?
All New Jersey citizens, including students, can apply to be a poll worker.
What if I want to volunteer as a challenger at the polling site?
MCDC is always looking for challengers for Election Day! If you are healthy, please consider volunteering to be a challenger. Email MCDC at [email protected] to sign up and get more information.
Who is running for my local elections?
You can check to see who is running for your location elections here: (https://morriscountyclerk.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-General-Candidates-081120.pdf)
What public questions will be on the ballots?
The public questions are as follows:
- Do you approve legalizing a controlled form of marijuana called “cannabis” for adults at least 21 years of age, subject to the State sales tax?
- Do you approve amending the state Constitution to give a $250 property tax deduction to veterans who did not serve in time of war? Do you also approve amending the Constitution to give a 100% property tax exemption to certain totally disabled veterans who did not serve in time of war?
- Do you approve amending the Constitution to change when new legislative districts are created if the federal census data is delayed?
What if I have additional questions?
Your local County Election Official will be a valuable source. You can find more information here: (https://nj.gov/state/elections/county-eo.shtml).
Additional information on the 2020 General Election is available here: (https://nj.gov/state/elections/election-information-2020.shtml#general)
You can also contact the Morris County Democrats at [email protected] or (862) 260-9444.
Additionally, the county will send notice to all active voters to inform the voter of their polling place, the URL to the Division of Elections website that contains polling place information, locations of secure ballot drop boxes within the county, information on where to obtain a sample ballot prior to the election, and, if applicable, information on a county website where a sample ballot may be viewed by October 23rd.
Who is running for President?
Among others, Donald J. Trump of the Republican Party and Joseph R. Biden of the Democratic Party are running for President. The Vice Presidential candidates are Michael R. Pence of the Republican Party and Kamala Harris of the Democratic Party.
Who is running for the Senate?
Among others, Cory Booker of the Democratic Party and Rikin “Rik” Mehta of the Republican Party are running for Senate.
Who is running for the House of Representatives in Morris County?
Morris County covers two Congressional Districts. In the 7th District, Tom Malinowski of the Democratic Party and Thomas H. Kean Jr. of the Republican Party are running for the House. In the 11th District, Mikie Sherrill of the Democratic Party and Rosemary Becchi of the Republican Party are running for the House. You can check to see which District you are in here: (https://ziplook.house.gov/htbin/findrep_house) or here: (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/map)
Who is running for the State Senate in Morris County?
This year there is a special legislative election in District 25, which overlaps with Morris and Somerset County. Anthony M. Bucco of the Republican Party and Rupande Mehta of the Democratic Party are running. You can check to see if you’re in District 25 here: (https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp)
Who is running for the State General Assembly in Morris County?
This year there is a special legislative election District 25, which overlaps Morris and Somerset Counties. Aura K. Dunn of the Republican Party and Darcy Draeger of the Democratic Party are running. You can check to see if you’re in District 25 here: (https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp)
Who is running for Freeholder in Morris County?
Cary Amaro of the Democratic Party and Tayfun Selen of the Republican Party are running for Freeholder.