Morris County Democratic Candidates
County Commissioner Candidates

T.C. McCourt
For County Commissioner
Dover Planning Commissioner. Secretary, Morris County Heritage Commission. Morris County resident since 2018. Married to Bryan, a high school teacher.

Dina Mikulka
For County Commissioner
Matrimonial and family law attorney. Mine Hill B.O.E. Member, 2016-2019. Former N.J. Deputy Attorney General. Mine Hill resident since 2008.

A.J. Oliver
For County Commissioner
17-year U.S. Army veteran. Chairman, Morristown Democratic Committee. Morristown Environmental & Shade Tree Commissioner. 27-year Morris County resident.
State Senator (25th District) Candidate
Jeff Grayzel
For New Jersey State Senate
Jeff Grayzel, the current mayor of Morris Township, is running for New Jersey State Senate. As a local elected leader, Jeff understands the everyday issues that residents in our district face. His focus is on getting things done with a positive, problem-solving approach. He believes that we can bridge the gap between Trenton and local communities.
State Assembly (25th District) Candidates
Lauren Barnett
For State Assembly
Lauren Barnett, former Mayor and current Deputy Mayor of Mountain Lakes, running for State Assembly
Patricia Veres
For State Assembly
Patricia Veres, Council Member in Wharton from 2017-2019, running for State Assembly