Working Meeting for February

Open to the public. This is our meeting where we do official business and make plans for upcoming events and projects. Please join us.

2021 Virtual Victory Gala (MCDC Fundraiser)

Join us in celebrating the beginning of a new era!  Morris County Democrats have worked tirelessly to help elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for President/Vice President, re-elect Cory Booker, Mikie Sherrill and Tom Malinowski along with our local victories on the path to turning Morris blue. Let’s celebrate safely via Zoom and add in a gift bag […]
$50 – $100

Working Meeting for March

Open to the public. This is our meeting where we do official business and make plans for upcoming events and projects. Please join us.

Lisa Mandelblatt of the Malinowski Campaign is Featured at our “All Hands” Meeting

This is our monthly meeting for listening, learning and sharing. Our topic is the campaign for Representative Tom Malinowski. Do you have questions about the Voting Rights Act or Stimulus payments? If you follow local and national news and issues, this is the meeting for you. Come to hear the latest updates from Lisa Mandelblatt, […]